Finnish new professionals pamphlet out now

Veera Ristikartano interviewed

The Finnish network of new library professionals “Nuorkirjastolaiset” just published a pamphlet Epäpäivä!–Voimasanoja kirjastosta (“Due date–Powerwords from the library“; BTJ-Avain, ISBN 9789516928688).

A product of a collaborative writing process and edited by Veera Ristokartano and Antti Virrankoski, the polemic pamphlet raises several key problems in the libraryworld: library’s reaction to digital content, immaterial rights, generations of digital natives (who are amongs us and not “a challenge to tackle somewhere in the future”), human resource management and lifelong learning within the library profession, information politics and commitment to open access and egalitarianism are some of the issues discussed. The preface builds upon a scenario, what would happen if libraries vanished today. What would the nearby future look like? Would anybody really care?

The pamphlet was published at Finnish Library Conference 2011. On 8th of June Cycling for librariesDer Deutsche Bibliotheksverband e.V. (dbv) and Kirjastokaista organized a video interview of editor Veera Ristikartano from Finnish Library Conference held Oulu to the 100. Deutscher Bibliothekartage held in Berlin. A recording of the live video is available online (please skip to 31:15) and in it, Veera explains in english the key contents of the pamphlet.